Friday, February 03, 2006

Strangely territorial

We had a meeting of our theatre group last night. The company chose a play that I can't act in for our July slot, so I am resigned to behind-the-scenes roles until December, when I shall be wowing the world with my playing of a one-scene-only Librarian. So much for that whole "no small parts" philosophy. Sorry Herself, but there was another play I really fancied doing so I am a bit disappointed. Good luck, though.

But this disappointment was overshadowed by the fact that in my place, the theatre where I spend a vast amount of my free time and have done since birth, there were suddenly interlopers. Now, I have grown accustomed to the fact that other people use it, it is public property after all. However, when these people comprise mainly of fellow members of staff from my work place, and ones that I am quite often not that keen on (I was at least able to point out to Big Sis both the man I regularly describe as Hagrid with BO and the-man-from-that-meeting-where-I-said-I-was-going-to-hit-him-with-a-chair-and-stab-him-with-my-pen) then I have good reason to feel discomfited by their sudden presence in my private life. I spoke to Hagrid on my way out and found out that they had been watching the play going on in the theatre, which sounded very worthy. I was quite shocked to find that the-man-from-that-meeting-etc had actually appeared in the show and found it almost impossible to imagine him doing anything other than be incredibly annoying and disgusting (I am still emotionally scarred from having to look through his office, the man himself is impeccable but the office... (shudder)). So not only are they trespassing upon my place, but also upon my activities. I probably shouldn't be this crazy about but I didn't like it. Part of it is that they are all very clever and have jobs that reflect this whereas I am not and do not. So I feel at a disadvantage to them at work and just enjoy having this bit of me that is special and talented that helps me know that I am as good as them and better in the thing that I do. So, basically, work and private life don't mix in my head very easily.

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