Wednesday, April 19, 2006


Working among arty types as I do, I occasionally get strange requests from people. Last year a colleague was asked if her hands could be photographed as she typed, I had to touch lots of different textures and answer questions about them and at Christmas we had to make decorations for a special tree out of office supplies. Today I had to have my photo taken with my ID badge. Now, when I was younger, I used to think that people were being silly when they hated having their photos taken and ran away from the camera. As someone who has grown up and realised that they are the very opposite of photogenic (as opposed to my cousin, who is the very definition of the word - it's not that she's drop dead gorgeous, although definitely good-looking, she just has poise) I now understand what those people meant. Many's the time I have turned up to some event feeling fabulous only to be confronted with a photo several weeks and realising that I didn't look as amazing as I felt. I have decided that I don't mind having my photo taken as long as I don't see the results. I now, after relinquishing my image to two students and not checking what they are going to do with it, am living in fear that I will be exhibited around the building in my office-clearing clothes and impetigo-y lip.

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