Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Snooze Button

Just a quick word today, but don't you think life would be easier without the snooze button? This morning I pressed it 4 times, which is excessive. Having it there is so much worse than not having it there. With my old alarm clock, if I wanted to continue sleeping I would have to reprogram it and reset it, a process that would result in my waking up completely and deciding that I may as well get up anyway. Snoozing is far too easy and far too seductive especially in the dark days of January. Ban it, I say!

The only consolation I can gain from the snooze button is the hope that it wakes my upstairs neighbours and makes them feel all cranky and sleep-deprived as the bell rings out every 9 minutes. Oh how I hope for their sleep to be disturbed. Noisy feckers.

1 comment:

Cracked Actor said...

Yes yes yes.


It is an evil invention that just makes people late.


Perhaps we should start an online campaign...