Thursday, December 15, 2005


I woke up at four this morning, which hasn't been an unusual occurrence in the last couple of weeks unfortunately. Instead of just fretting while I try and get to sleep again while fretting more because I'm not asleep as I normally do, I decided to completely crick my neck so that I currently have a muscle strain from left arm to left shoulder blade to neck. I'm not sure how I did it but I had a bit of a discussion with the insomniac MuleBoy during which I blamed the fact that the new pillows he bought recently are completely flat and provide no support. He then revenged himself for the ire and lack of cuddles (I kept screaming when he came near, which must have been fun for our neighbours) by falling asleep immediately. As he hadn't managed to get to sleep beforehand, it was definitely done just to piss me off. Well, I showed him. After an hour of lying in pain, I managed to doze for ten minutes! Hah!

We had another rehearsal last night at which Penfold completely dominated the end part by choreographing fights for us. Damn him for being talented.

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