Thursday, January 29, 2009

Obsessions, niggles and just plain avoidance

Oh good lord. I'm supposed to be filling out two, count 'em, two application forms for two separate jobs for which the closing date is tomorrow. Why can I not just get on and finish them? To be fair, I am, on the whole, doing my actual work, but I really can't seem to be able to just get down and write my personal statement bit. I know what needs to be in there and how to sell myself but the act of actually getting it down on paper is causing me forehead wrinkles. And a red eye, apparently. I scared myself when I saw my reflection in the mirror, I looked a little bit like Trog's family in Trog and the Fire when they made a fire without ventilation (I've just been searching the interweb for a Trog screenshot but couldn't find one. Although I now wish to play the game Trog and see the film Trog, with Joan Crawford. Now that, my friends, is how to do some good, old-fashioned timewasting).

But my other obsessions are still jostling for superiority in my limited brain space and I do struggle to take my mind off of them, even if it jumps straight onto another one. The cats have been an obsession, with various minor ailments requiring treatment, this has led to a dip into my savings and a big dip into the generosity of my parents. This in turn leads to money obsession and then onto food yada yada yada.

The fun obsessions make life worth living. Currently I am obsessed with Adam and Joe, whose podcasts make me particularly happy if a little bit mad as I giggle in a solitary way on the train or in an office. The Temp, who seems to find me a particularly fascinating and hilarious human being, often gazes at me while giggling just for the joy of it. I like it, it reaffirms my belief that I am funny without needing to make too much of an effort. And she's not deranged in the way that that makes her sound. She's quite normal really, and I will really miss her when she goes next week. The other bad thing about the Adam and Joe thing is that I get behind on the podcasts and end up listening to the same ones a few times, which in turn leads me to quote it randomly in a way that makes absolutely no sense to anyone else. Fortunately Beanie commenced listening to the show recently and now at least understands "Stephen!"

I've also mourned the end of one of my obsessions as I have been joyfully taping the Gilmore Girls on E4 since September and I finally got to the final episode the other week. I cried. I am a big girl's blouse. I also wish that I was Lorelai Gilmore and lived in Stars Hollow. It started again from the beginning immediately after finishing so if you fancy watching something with completely random cultural references, girls who talk very quickly and the occasional bit of heartrending loveliness, go for it. Please see below for a quote (note to the wise, Lorelai and Rory are the mother and daughter Gilmore Girls. They are not sisters as my Mum asks every time I tried to make her watch it. Emily is Lorelai's mother and they have a less harmonious relationship and spend a lot of the time trying to torture the other in their own ways):

Lorelai: Heh, you know what I just realized? "Oy" is the funniest word in the entire world.
Rory: Hmm.
Lorelai: I mean think about it, you never hear the word "oy" and not smile. Impossible. Funny, funny word.
Emily: Oh dear God.
Lorelai: "Poodle" is another funny word.
Emily: Please drink your drink, Lorelai.
Lorelai: In fact, if you put "oy" and "poodle" together, in the same sentence, you'd have a great new catchphrase, you know? Like, "Oy with the poodles already."
Rory: Hehe.
Lorelai: So from now on, when the perfect circumstances arise, we will use our favorite new catchphrase:
Rory: Oy with the poodles already.
Lorelai: I'm telling you, it's knocking "Whatchu talkin' 'bout, Willis?" right out of first place.

My other obsession is the play that I've been cast in. It's a nice truth that every time I approach a play I worry about the fact that I'm doing something new. Yet again, it's a new challenge and one that really unnerves me as it is someone who is very different from me. I feel like I need to change the way that I move and look and my thoughts revolve around how to achieve this. I also want to get started so that I can put some of the ideas into practice. Very impatient!!!

Argh, I really should get going with the whole statement thing. It was a fun diversion, though. Ugh, on with selling myself...


Cracked Actor said...

Just coming!

Unknown said...

How did you get on with the applications FGS?

Alice said...

FGS? I got them both in and have got an interview for the one that I'm quite keen on. I'm getting interview training from Mrs Drunken Accomplice in preparation. I'm tempted to send her in pretending to be me but she'd probably get the job for me and the first day would probably be a bit awkward. Although I'm sure I could manage to make some excuse along the lines that I needed to swap faces with my imprisoned arch-enemy in order to go undercover in her gang without knowing that she would escape, steal my face and threaten my family. And make no explanation as to why face-swapping changes my height and shape. It could totally work.