Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Hard Times

This is a blog that I've been putting off for a while because the crappy bits of life are always the hardest to write about. MuleBoy and I are no more. The wedding is off and the arrangements are disassembled, with no small financial loss to my parents. I am now a single 27 year old woman living at my Mum and Dad's who can't drive and is in a job that she doesn't like very much. It doesn't feel like a hugely successful state of affairs. So I'm making plans and the very fact that these don't include MuleBoy is sad and unpleasant. I miss him very much as my best friend and my greatest comfort. I can't deny that the relationship wasn't perfect but I wish that we could have worked it out together rather than MuleBoy pulling the plug, which is what happened, in essence. For now we are taking apart our lives as MuleBoy is leaving the house that we shared at the end of the month, which will mean that we have to decide what belongs to who and find somewhere to put it all. It is still all very hard to believe.


Anonymous said...

As an outsider I cannot know the rights and wrongs and details of all this but OMG!

You must have felt terrible. Your family and friends are all wonderful, kind, intelligent and supportive people and are probably all far too civilised and liberal to say this but...

Someone (no name) needs a damned good slapping for doing this to you!

OK thats that out of the way! (You can take this boy out of Leigh Park but you cannot totally remove Leigh Park from this boy, so please excuse my ignorant outburst back there. Sorry.)

I have 2 daughters of 15 and 22 years and one is also called Alice, so I suppose I have got very wrapped up in your blogs (like good biographies always engage me) and sort of identified bits of my daughter's characters with yours and got all 'protective dad' back there with the slapping comment.

Totally unjustified I am sure.

Even so... Grrrrr.

Anonymous said...

Good post.