Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Living for the Weekend

At the moment, weekends are really good. I'm staggering from one event to the other and spending lots of time with people I like. However, this is starting to get to the point where work is so quiet after busy-ness (and I am being forced to file) that they take a zillion years to even get to the weekends meaning that my time is divided unequally between zippy, fun, social stuff and crappy, slow, boring stuff. Currently, I am in denial that it is Wednesday today as this week has already been so long that it simply must be Friday. As soon as I get home, time resumes normal speed again and I can quite happily spend a half hour sorting the cats out and putting things away and it feels like half an hour rather than a day.

I spent a very pleasant evening last night when MuleBoy was out, sorting out a couple of bills (which is actually quite pleasant at the moment as people keep giving me money), deciding on recipes for Friday evening when we're having family over to celebrate MuleBoy's Mum's Birthday (I've narrowed it down to about twelve) and having Steve the cat fall asleep on me while watching The Terminal on Sky Movies. Not great but actually not subject to the recent Spielberg disease of half-hour-too-long-itis. It needed some story refinement but at least when it got to the end it didn't keep going. The best bit by far was the main character's reaction when he gets to America and is running around the airport frantically trying to find out what is happening to his now-dissolved, war-torn country on the airport TVs. Completely isolated and unable to read the English onscreen or hear because they don't have the sound up, he eventually has to resort to standing outside, looking in at the TV in the VIP section with automatic doors closing in front of his face every few seconds. There were other nice touches, such as the contents of the tin he carried around with him and the ending. But ultimately schmaltz became the overriding (and overbearing) characteristic of the film, which let it down.

Well, at least writing this has made time go a bit speedier. I only have seven hours and forty minutes to go now so should be able to make it until the evening. Go me!

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