Sunday, February 12, 2012

Busy Little Bee

Lawks, is my attempt to blog every week already getting a little delayed? Crazy old February. As part of my whole having-a-new-phone thing (I totally have one! Go me!) I've actually been updating my calendar on my phone. I think it helps not having to write things down. I don't know about you but I find it takes A LOT of effort to write things properly nowadays. But it is, as my family will tell you, a big step forward. Anyway, when I look at February, I have no days free at all now. No weekend days, no evenings. There are little blue marks on every day until the 3rd of March, which is the point at which I fall down and refuse to get up.
I always feel a bit guilty talking about being busy. I mean, my work isn't particularly stressful, I don't have children and the cats don't count. It's like I don't have any right to my tiredness. Partly because it is an entirely selfish laziness. I am working out to be thinner, I am in plays because I love doing them. When I'm tired and need to stop, I am able to stop completely and not be responsible for anyone else, which I think is a luxury. But then part of the reason I keep myself so busy is because I am not responsible for anyone else. The idea of sitting around all the time on my own is quite horrendous. Not to mention; completely, mind-blowingly dull. So I have a guilt talking about tiredness to my friends and family with children because there is nothing quite so exhausting as chasing a small person around constantly.
But, do you know what? I am really tired. And I should take advantage of the fact that I can be selfish because one day that may not be the case. To be honest, one day I hope it isn't. But for now that's the way things are.


Anonymous said...

Alice - It's funny that you've just posted this. For the last few weeks I've been thinking alot about energy - how we waste it /use it etc. etc.

I constantly try and balance a desire to "get the most out of life" with "not overdoing it" and my only conclusion so far is that for 2012 one of my resolutions is to not waste my energy.

I still have to think this through a bit further but I think it's a good start.

On another note I read a number of your posts in one go the other evening and found myself laughing out load and crying in quick succession. I love your blog.

Tasmin Rhianne said...

Your blogs make me happy.
The fact you have not written one in so long does not.