Thursday, October 23, 2008


So I totally passed my driving test yesterday. It still feels a bit unlikely. I kept putting off getting behind the wheel, mainly because of expense (and it was gosh-darned expensive so that was probably a good decision) but felt a bit strange about not being able to drive. And I have been, more and more, feeling the need, the need for speed. Or just the need to take the cats to the vet without having to disrupt other people's afternoons, or go shopping for furniture, or go on a daytrip out somewhere unreachable by train. I'm only using my Mum's car at the moment and I have no plans to buy my own car but just having that license is incredibly liberating. And such a relief. Weirdly though, I feel under pressure to be excited about it. People keep asking me whether I'm excited and whether I've already had a test spin and when I'm going to go out for the first time ya da ya da ya da. But why do I have to be so goshdarned excited? Is there something wrong with me that I'm mainly just relieved? I kind of feel that I've been so focussed on getting the job done that I'm slightly surprised by the fact that I have to do something afterwards. I think I've just got to get used to it first and I object to having other people's preconceptions forced upon me a little bit as well. Which is generally how I react to most things; a bit complicated, get confused and worried that I don't feel a certain way about things, get annoyed at being expected to feel a certain way about things and then relax. It's busy up in here, you know?

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