Monday, June 11, 2007

So Tired

Dear Lord, I'm tired. We had a party on Saturday, which I left at 2ish on the grounds that my eyes were closing whether I wanted them to or not. I woke up at 8 after something of a restless night, mainly caused by the fact that MuleBoy managed to stay up the entire night and left me on my lonesome. Although this is something that I'm used to with the insomnia and all, it isn't something that I particularly like, especially when coupled with the fact that I could hear him downstairs laughing and talking.

As a result, MuleBoy decided to go to bed at 9ish last night and insisted that I come so that I didn't wake him up later, which also ruled out reading or doing a puzzle book in bed. I fell asleep pretty quickly but woke up with a mini-panic attack at 1.30am. I finally fell asleep again much later, after solving the cause for panic attack, watching an Al Pacino film (it was okay but if Michael Rooker's in a whodunnit kind of a thing, it's going to be him whatdunnit), putting the cats away so that Steve didn't jump on my face and Meatball didn't claw at the door. As there was a mere hour between the 6am when I dropped off and my getting up time, I'm now wondering if I would have felt better had I not bothered to go back to sleep at all. Oh, and considering his concerns about being woken, MuleBoy was not disturbed by me once despite my nocturnal to-ings and fro-ings. I feel like crap.

The plus side is that at least the party was good and I had a lovely time yesterday with Mum and Big Sis at a local Garden Show. The minus is that I have no idea when I'm going to catch up on sleep.

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